PinnedPublished inSisalDigitalHubTurkiyeRobust React Native App — 4.2This section will explain how to automate the iOS app’s release and TestFlight processes.Jan 3Jan 3
PinnedPublished inSisalDigitalHubTurkiyeRobust React Native App — 4.1In this section, our focus is on Fastlane — a tool facilitating the automated publication of our app on the Google Play Store. The goal is…Nov 17, 20231Nov 17, 20231
PinnedRobust React Native App — 2In this section, we will be writing many unit tests. Let’s begin with what we see on the first screen. Usually, I complete writing the…Jul 15, 2023Jul 15, 2023
PinnedRobust React Native App — 1Nowadays, building apps has become relatively easier, thanks to the abundance of tutorials and boilerplate code available on the internet…Jul 6, 20233Jul 6, 20233
Published inOrion Innovation techClubAngular JS Parent-Child Controller Communication and Best Practice for usageIn this article, we will talk about parent-child controller relations in AngularJS. So you should be familiar with it. We are just focusing…Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
My first meeting Swift-UI as a FrontEnd DeveloperMy first meeting Swift-UI as a FrontEnd Developer. Today I’m gonna write about SwiftUI and talk about my first app developed by Swift UI.Jan 23, 2021Jan 23, 2021
Build your own personal web siteHello, firstly I need to say, it’s my first English blog post so before the start sorry for this.Dec 13, 2020Dec 13, 2020
Higher-Order ComponentsNedir Bu HighOrder Component ? Bir komposizyonu türetilen diğer componentler dede kullanmak. Polimorfizm ‘e oldjukça benzeri bir yapı…Sep 8, 2019Sep 8, 2019
React Widget Renderer 3 (CustomHook)Önceki yazılarda bir tab componenti yapmıştık. Bu tab compentine diğer componentleri tanımlamıştık, dışarıdan aldığı Json objesine göre bu…Aug 25, 2019Aug 25, 2019